Have You Reached a Designing 'Dead End'?

Have You Reached a Designing 'Dead End'?

Posted by Magnolia Hall on Mar 30th 2015

Color……We love color.  Well, maybe not as much as shown in this image of homes along the river, but color adds so much joy to our lives!  Regarding color, one designer said: “A room's paint color is the major element that brings the whole room together”. But sometimes, after working so hard to design our homes, we look at our room or house and feel dissatisfied with the result.  Yes, we have reached a “designing dead end” and we don’t know where to go!  Why?  We aren't happy with the wall colors!

Have You Reached a Designing “Dead End”?

In an attempt to pick the perfect colors, notice this comment from a person that wrote to our friends at Victorian Homes magazine.  See if this reflects how you feel: “I have a “new” Victorian….I have painted the walls and am not happy with them. I wish you could see them so you could help! The great room is celery green. The dining room is hunter green, the kitchen is catsup red, the library is burgundy, the foyer and hallway are baby blue ( I hate it) with faux. The bathroom off of the hallway is dark blue. The loft upstairs is primer gray, because I have no idea what to do with it. The library is off of the baby blue hallway and clashes. I do not know what to do.… Frustrated!”

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying vivid color is bad, but it can be a real challenge to pull it off successfully.  Notice the reply from The Victorian Homes Magazine design team:

“Since replicating Victorian style exactly by painting each room a different color is extremely difficult, it’s fortunate for us all that color experts these days advocate neutrals. So try painting the whole house a warm, neutral color; then, for Victorian flavor, choose two or three deep, vivid colors”.  Notice the difference this makes in the Ambrose Hilliard Dining Room.

Have You Reached a Designing “Dead End”?

There are not many homes that can have extreme wall colors and look “grand”.  What can easily happen is that the walls compete with the furniture that you have worked so hard to find.  All of a sudden, the walls have become the key feature in the room, and the furniture is just getting in the way!  So, the above suggestion is an excellent “compromise” that will allow your romantic furniture and accessories to be the focal point of your home.

Have You Reached a Designing “Dead End”?

Where could you use these bolder colors as accents?  Victorian Homes went on to suggest that you could use the dark colors to highlight Victorian architectural elements, a favorite antique or a window with a fantastic view. Bring the deep color into the room with an accent wall, window coverings, an area rug, or lamp shade. Dutch Chocolate Lamp Shade

Then, drive home the romance with tasteful accessories, such as artwork, statuary, mirrors, etc.  You will find many wonderful romantic accessories at Magnolia Hall that can fill such a purpose.

Finding the balance between romantic design and practical appeal is a delicate balance.  We wish you success on your decorating challenges.

Have You Reached a Designing “Dead End”?